Monday, July 26, 2010

caveman coffee

When opportunity knocks you don't ask why; you just smile broadly and say 'thanks' as you grab at it with two hands. Even when that 'opportunity' comes without a coffee grinder, you figure out a way of smashing the beans without too much grousing. A plastic freezer bag, paper towels and a hammer wielded with just enough force will eventually yield the necessary product. Janet is calling it Caveman Coffee, as she giggles at me on the backporch of our friend's house in Delaware. We are watching their house and dog while they are away for the next week. There were a lot of instructions left for the dog, but no coffee grinder.

We drove down yesterday evening after watching most of a Phillies game. Tickets were courtesy of Janet's father and they were very similar to our seating arrangements earlier in the week at Yankee Stadium. The vibe is noticeably different in Philadelphia where it is more of a minor league, good natured mentality. For instance, between innings they were piping in Christmas music, as it was 5 months to the day for the next Christmas and brutally hot. On the scoreboards they were putting up pictures of the players clad in red Santa or green Elf outfits. The cameras often caught the spectators mugging and flexing their muscles for the stadium. I couldn't imagine the Yankees indulging the crowds in such a way.

Anyway, it began to rain fiercely around the 6 inning and after being lashed by wind and rain for half an hour we decided to leave to drive down the Delaware. Today we're off to the beach, probably Cape Henlopen.

thanks for reading.

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