Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our time in Eden

It is said that the best revenge is to live well. Perhaps this saying can be considered very profound, except with it comes a tinge of awareness that life is a contest, a chore and fueled by hatred. Rather than enjoying life as it comes and savoring the moment and smelling the roses, life seems to be calculating if one abides by this tenet.

It lessens the joy of our time in Eden.

Such fleeting times we possess here. If we are spurred by revenge rather than joy then deep down there is a black hole at the core of every sun splashed vista, a glassy eyed stare behind every grin, a kernel of darkness uttered with every endearment. It is perhaps best to just let go and trust the newly chosen path, because you can't do anything about the past. Blaze the trail anew, especially if the other one is a dead end.

No. Eden is too precious to wallow in such conspiracies and life flits by with the gravitas of a butterfly. There is too much joy and love and happiness and too little time to worry of revenge.

Okay, so right about now fair reader you're probably saying.... WTF is VFH doing? Where's all the glib travel stories and roadside observations? Have they been drinking heavily again? Well, you're right and soon we will again regale you with tales from travels around the corner and beyond. But now, we're being maudlin because recently a self realization has settled on this team. Partnered now for years with a bear-went-over-the-mountain vision, our conjoined efforts had always had that butterfly outlook on life and destinations. But, personally I could not pass an open door without wanting to peer through the alluring portal. Perhaps it was revenge that fueled my under-the-covers passion? Charged by the saddness of my past I had spurned Eden and looked for happiness with all the joy that comes with cheating death rather than living life.

But, enough about me. This is about VFH, your first choice in traveling information for all destinations near and far. Finally, they are looking in the same direction...finally. The reasons for this sea change are too personal and our time in Eden is too precious to belabor you with the details.

Enjoy your time here. I know we will.

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