Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to me....

Don't worry... I still have several entries for VFH's trip to England, Scotland and Belgium. I have fallen behind, but will catch up soon. I have a good reason though. Today, August 1, was my birthday and the more intelligent half of the VFH team, Janet, made sure it was a good one.
We had breakfast at Sneddon's in Lambertville.... good food... bad coffee... but I have been going there for a long time now. One of the waitresses shares the birth date and so I have to go in there and wish her well.
Then, we went to Gunnison Beach at Sandy Hook. Readers of this blog will remember our escapades at this popular clothing optional beach that is part of the United States Park system. I went for a run while there...
Then it was a Mexican meal at a place in Highlands, NJ... just across the bay from Sandy Hook and then a couple of drinks at the beach bar at Donovan's Reef, in Sea Bright, NJ...
It was a good day....but don't worry... I'll be writing soon about our trip....

Thanks for reading!

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