Sunday, May 27, 2012

All work AND some play

I envy all those people with 9 to 5's ... weekends off...holidays all those wonderful things that I don't get working in the television industry. Oh sure, it may be glamorous to those of you watching programming. The TV is on, you're having dinner, or perhaps drinks with friends, and the game or some show is on. Perhaps you're gathered around the TV like it is some altar watching with rapt interest, but never really wondering HOW. 

It just happens. 

It's sort of like people who drive automobiles.... This brilliant machine just goes... put some gas in it every once in awhile. Get someone to change the oil? But, do you really know what goes into the machine?

Well, TV is like a machine...sort of a sausage making grinding machine. It chews up the best of us. 

Some liken the industry to a velvet tunnel. Encased in a cozy, warm control room, life on the outside doesn't really exist and years and relationships can pass without notice. Divorce rates are high among those of us in the television industry for as you're enjoying your weekends and holidays or you're sleeping in, we're working. 

When I think about the time I have spent at my chosen profession and the family events and face time I have missed, I am embarrassed. I missed a lot while encased in the velvet sausage making grinding machine. 

I am being overly melodramatic, life was never that bad, right? But, sadly, I'm still doing the same old thing.

The better and infinitely smarter half of Team VFH is already enjoying her holiday weekend. She's at the Delaware shore with friends while I'm steadfast at work. It is nearly 2:30 a.m. on Sunday. I've been at it since Saturday afternoon. Hopefully I'll be out the door within the hour and then I'll drive the 200 miles to Delaware in order to rendezvous with everyone and salvage at least part of this holiday weekend.

I'm bringing sausage for breakfast...

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