Thursday, July 12, 2012


After the extreme dangers we faced the day previously while white water rafting on the lower Youghiogheny River we decided on a peaceful day during our camping trip to Ohiopyle in western Pennsylvania. We slept in, giving our muscles some more recovery time and ate another glorious Janet breakfast. It was just bacon and eggs and strong percolated coffee, but it was just wonderful. 

Wright's plan for Fallingwater
We then decided to visit Fallingwater, the Frank Lloyd Wright home that was commissioned by the Kaufmann family of Pittsburgh in the 1930's. The house seemingly "floats" over Bear Run a creek that runs beneath the house. Because of the cantilevered beams the weekend retreat home for the Kaufmann family features dramatic terraces that allow one to gaze into nature as Wright intended. Fallingwater literally juts out above the falls. When it was designed evidently the Kaufmann family was surprised because they thought their house would have a view of the falls itself, instead it hovered over it. The 30 foot falls spills out from beneath the home, a harmonious display of form and nature. From the terraces one could hear the falls and there are steps, added at the insistance of Mrs. Kaufmann, that led one down to the waters for a dip.

Typical of Frank Lloyd Wright's designs the bedrooms are small, coaxing people to gather in the main rooms with their walls of glass that allowed sun and nature to be enjoyed. Wright also designed all of the furniture and the color schemes. It is a dramatic, wonderful place and worth the visit, although the cost, $23, was an extravagence for Team VFH.

The fee allowed us access to the home on a guided tour. No photos were allowed while on the tour. We saw all the rooms except for the kitchen. The massive fireplace was set on rocks that formed the core of the house and Wright even had some of the rocks protrude from the floor. It was all very beautiful and as we listened attentively to our corpulent guide we were struck with the details that Wright put into this shining example of his visionary skills.

Fallingwater from view from Bear Run falls
After the deaths of the Kaufmanns in the 50's Fallingwaters was left to their son. He eventually left it to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, which took on the massive repairs needed to correct the sagging of the terraces and the effect the waters of Bear Run had on the foundation of the home. Since it was bequeathed to the Western Conservancy in the early 60's thousands of people have visited this iconic home.

After our visit to the home and the guest quarters, which features a spring fed pool, we walked the grounds getting various views of the home from below, at the falls and above to see all the terraces and how they floated above this beautiful place.
Evidently there are lots of hiking trails on the grounds too, but it was too hot so we just breezed through the museum and store. We returned to town and sat in our beach chairs near the river and watched the people frolic in river.

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