Sunday, January 20, 2013

Crawling from the wreckage

So... we're still here. The world did not end on the winter solstice as predicted by the Mayans. Glad I didn't take any extreme "doomsday" steps. I'm thinking I must have looked pretty cool as I calmly awaited the impending doom without a blink of the eye. (I knew it wasn't going to happen.) Yep....the world  was supposed to end or at best Earth was going to have a pole shift and we were going to be screwed. Well, that didn't happen did it... or at least not yet... I guess that's why I waited so long to write something new in this blog, just to be sure we were safe.

We may have survived the end of days, but sadly, you know what this means? I still have to pay my mortgage and all the rest of my bills. Ugh.

But, seriously, when faced with your own mortality, whether inspired by celestial happenings  or paranoid hypochondria, you are still left pondering the inevitable. After all, none of us gets out of here alive. So, we might as well make the best of it.

What to do? How to make our time in Eden purposeful, that when faced with the abyss we can look back with fondness? I suppose love more. Smile more. Be friendlier.
If anything, this will help with the mooching. You'll get those invites to parties if you're pleasant and smiling and loving... well, maybe you'll just get your face slapped with the loving bit, but that is worth the effort. 

Resolve to see more, experience more. 
Remember... work isn't an end, but a means to enjoy life. 
Spend more time looking at the heavens; not to guess if that rapidly growing object is going to hit the planet, but to smile at the enormity of life and our fleeting timelines. 

There's much to see and more to do. Find joy in everything, because it's there. Crawl out from the wreckage and get moving already.

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