Sunday, August 18, 2013


This has been a summer of fun, friends and family. Your glorious moochers have been non-stop in the revelry department since June and it is with sincere apologies offered for our lack of sharing our experiences with you, our fair and glorious readers. You may digress here and say that you read our blog for the deals and the cheap thrills and finds and you don’t really care about our “experiences”.

To that I say: “I’m walkin’ here…”
Fun & games at the Devil's Den
That has been our battle cry these past two weeks. Janet’s extended family from England has been visiting the colonies and for some unknown reason Colin and I have adapted this famous scene from the film Midnight Cowboy for all situations and we utter it at the slightest provocation and usually loud enough for all to hear. We’re walking through Philadelphia to go to a Phillies game and drivers know what we’re doing. We order a beer someplace and we say, again loudly, “We’re drinking here….”  We’re surf fishing in Delaware, poles courtesy of dear friends Carl and Jill, and over the pounding froth of the waves you could hear us cry, “We’re fishing here….”  Touring the vast battlefield of Gettysburg we’re looking down the barrels of cannon and saying…  well, you get the picture. We’re a couple of knuckleheads….

We’re having loads of fun and we are not slowing down.  
Don't worry... we are careful crossing the streets. As soon as we sober up we'll write more!
Thanks for your patience!
greg and Janet

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