Tuesday, October 29, 2013


If I have retained any followers of this travel blog after such a lengthy time between entries I must consider myself fortunate and I thank you all for returning to this little eddy in the wide world web. I’m actually embarrassed that I have not been more diligent in reporting on Team VFH’s antics this past summer which according to the calendar is now a distant memory.

Our time in Eden is fleeting and one must grasp each opportunity and live each day fully.  Sadly I am guilty of not abiding by this basic tenet.

‘Why!?’ You may ask.

Well, I could make up elaborate excuses. I can tell you I recently escaped from Somalian pirates after they boarded by yacht and held me for ransom for months without access to the internet.

I can tell you that as a die-hard NY Football Giants fan I have been deeply mired in a malaise throughout their six game losing streak and only now after two wins has my head begun to clear enough to consider writing.

I can tell you that work and the commuting to my jobs has been so demanding of me that I have had little time but to shit, shower, shave and eat before hurtling out the door to the next gig, even though in the past I have managed to complete two novels with the same vociferous, unabated work schedule.

I can tell you there was nothing worthy to chronicle here on the blog, that I have spent most of the past months leading effectively a hermit’s existence.

All of it is untrue…well maybe not the NY Giants part.

I will tell you that Team VFH’s expansive trip to South Carolina this past summer was so calming and relaxing that to this very day I am still in the clutches of serenity and given to sloth, which is very true.

Yes, I have been very lazy. I am embarrassed. It’s not much of an excuse, and, to simply blame it on South Carolina and the fun times we enjoyed there is an invertebrate shifting from the real culprit. To explain my laziness away and assess blame elsewhere is wrong and soon, hopefully very soon, I’ll get into the swing of things.

Come back would you? 

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