Wednesday, February 10, 2016


What could go wrong? Well, anything at any time. Sure, you can deal with the consequences of unforeseen events, but insuring yourself against them is where we’re going here. I’ve grown to accept that the hassle of dealing with things that come up in traveling is not worth the grief it causes. Perhaps as I am getting older and I just don’t want to deal with crap anymore? Janet certainly has shown me how smart it is to purchase insurance while on the road. If anything, parting with a few dollars certainly reduces anxiety when things go wrong. 

Car Insurance
Sure, your car insurance will cover your rental, but your deductible will need to be satisfied before the company will cover your costs of an accident. When we traveled to the Big Island a couple of years ago we rented a car and bought the insurance, thinking we would never need it. Well, we did. That darn palm tree ran into the rear bumper of the car. At first I was distraught, but the whole matter was taken care of with a few phone calls. I never had to pay any more. When it was time to fly home we dropped the car off at the counter and said, “oops”. They smiled and said, “Aloha,” and nothing more.

Travel Insurance
Well before I would never have considered purchasing travel insurance. People usually spend more time planning trips than planning for their retirement, so if you’re going on a trip, you’ll make sure you’re going to go on that trip. That is, until a family matter delays it. The airline charged us nearly $900 to change the tickets, but we’ll get that back when we put in a claim.

What could go wrong? Nothing if you’re prepared properly.
Safe travels everyone… or at least buy insurance.

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