Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Imagine my delight in finding out that there is a thriving craft beer market in Nashville. On our first night here, when we had dinner in Germantown’s Butchertown Hall, I drank two local beers that seemed unworthy of Tennessee, what with all the whiskey and music. I had a Czann Dunkel Weizen and a Black Abbey Special, a Belgian-style ale that was pretty darn close to the real thing. I am drinking, er, speaking from experience you know. Team VFH traveled to Belgium JUST to drink beer a number of years ago.

When we put in supplies for the week at the Kroegers market on Rosa Park Avenue I purchased a six pack of various local beers like Yazoo and Mill Creek, etc. and all were drinkable. Though we only visited one brewery in our short time in Nashville it was a good one. Black Abbey was a few miles outside of the downtown area of Nashville and in an industrial park. We purchased a reasonably priced flight of 6 beers at their tasting room, with the bartender throwing in an extra because we couldn’t decide on the allotted number.

Personally I think it’s important to sample local things. I would never, for instance, travel to Sydney to drink a Budweiser, or to Edinburgh with all those lovely lovely single malts to drink Jack Daniels and a Corona. I’ve known people who have…


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