Monday, January 1, 2018


Some may feel that the start of a new year requires a clean slate and a resolve to begin some new endeavor, as if jump starting a life that had grown stagnant has to begin on January 1. Sure, purging old bad habits is good whenever it begins and if self-improvement needs a starter pistol day of reckoning like today then so be it.

Here at VFH central our resolutions remain firm year after year. They are really very simple and may sound rather bland and simplistic I know, but here they are: Allow love in your life, forgive past transgressions and laugh as often as possible. Nothing has to be so dreadfully serious that it has to ruin your day. Gosh we are only here for a finite amount of time in this glorious Garden of Eden and you might as well just go along for the ride!

Whether you travel near or far fair readers, travel well and cheaply!
Janet and Greg 

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