Thursday, January 3, 2019


As your stingy sojourners enter this new year with a steady resolve to save money and still travel well, we also are taking the time to consider self-improvement. Resolutions made today usually falter somewhere between now and tomorrow, but to consider self-improvement is always a noble endeavor no matter how fleeting.

Goals have been set and we’ll see how long we’ll endure. I have to admit they are weighty.

Janet’s goal is to be less dependent on the “F” bomb. This is no small quest as she began our relationship so very long ago with a drop of the “F” Bomb that questioned the use of Christmas-like wreaths in a restaurant.

We met in late March.
Yeah...a wreath like that one
Those with an intimate knowledge of the whys and wherefores of my lovely bride know this was to weed out those unsavory types that may be too prim and proper for her tastes. Janet can cuss like a drunken sailor so we’ll see… or hear.

My personal endeavor is to forget. What matters of the muck and mire of perceived trespasses? What seemed so important today really isn’t and given that we all have a shelf life, an expiration date, why beat our chests over something that won’t matter in the long run; God willing? Life is good, life is short. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but today is important. Use your time wisely.

Remember whether you travel near or far, travel well.

Greg, and that “f”ing wife of mine, Janet

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