Friday, May 17, 2019


Until recently I was unsure about an “idle” lifestyle. I was worried I about having to plan an entire day’s slate of activities in retirement. It was daunting. I was more comfortable wading through a myriad of work details and tasks. Before, I lived only for a future that would never arrive and which sadly is never guaranteed, and I was obsessed and worried over a past with its inevitable mistakes that are a part of the process of living. The present was completely overlooked.

Well, that all may seem ponderous doesn’t it, but truthfully it took a good while of adjusting and considering being elsewhere and enjoying the day rather than just surviving it. Janet helped immensely with a few well-timed slaps to the head and more than one kick in the pants. She is a deep well of support and tough love. The relaxed nature of our lives now allows us to be elsewhere whenever the mood, or the price, is right. Where once life was guided by stringent rules it now waifs along with serendipity and chance.
That’s why we’re currently in England visiting family. A few months back an air fare alert email from came to Janet. Air to Manchester from Philadelphia was $452, which is very cheap. Not having to think about logistics we jumped on the fare and now we’re back in the south Chesire town of Nantwich.

Readers of this blog know that we have been coming here since her daughter’s marriage in 2011. Their English wedding was held at the Crown Hotel, a place that dates from the 1500’s (or so).  
Every time we arrive the in-laws say we’ll be bored here, but I have yet to tire of Nantwich. Yes, it’s a big world out there and someone has to see it, but Nantwich is a lovely jumping off point for everywhere else. This little town has become a second home for us. When here, the day brims with playtime with the grandchildren, drinks with the in-laws, toddling into town for a coffee and to listen for the bells of St. Mary’s marking the hour, or to market for the day’s supplies. That’s a lot to do! Of course Janet comes here more often. She was just here in January, but our current air fare was too inviting to pass up on a trip less than 4 months later. Since the wedding this is my fifth time here, with two trips here during the Christmas holidays and an extended trip in the summer of 2016.  


Of course we plan little side trips while here, sometimes with the kids, sometimes on our own. Since our first trip we’ve visited Liverpool, traveled to Belgium to drink beer, crossed the Pennines to stay in York and spent a blur of an afternoon in Chester.
This year we’re off for a two-day trip to Lancaster, and Windermere in the Lake District.


This will be two weeks of family time, which sadly was an entire lifetime more than I allowed myself when working furiously.

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