Monday, September 28, 2020


It may be a big world out there, but in today’s time of COVID there’s really no opportunity to see it. So, your favorite sexiest traveling duo has been staying closer to home than we normally would and when we do venture out, we carefully practice social distancing protocols, wearing masks while avoiding huge crowds, or even sparse crowds.
Janet looking safe

Sounds like a lot of thought and work just to relax I know, but the alternative is sitting at home with the shades drawn hoping no one comes to knock on the door.  And, although we are adventurous, we also want to be health conscious and there’s no sense tempting fate. Eventually this virus will be controlled, or defeated and there’s no need to be brazen and flaunt our “freedom” by shirking our responsibility to protect ourselves only to say “oops” if we get sick from the COVID.  Don’t like “oops”.
So, because of COVID we have repeated a destination, something we are loathe to do as it IS a big world out there and there is a lot to see. In September 2019 we traveled to Wildwood, NJ and returned there earlier this month. In both cases we went for a few days after Labor Day to enjoy the last vestiges of summer. September after Labor Day is a great time to visit the Jersey Shore. The weather is still great and most importantly the crowds are gone. 
Me being stupid

Last year a few days visiting Wildwood was an easy side jaunt during a frenetic year of traveling. In 2019 we had already been to the Florida Keys and England and Croatia and later we vacationed in The Bahamas. Getting to Wildwood is easy, a relatively short car ride and because it was after the season, the price of the condo we rented through AirBnB dropped.

This year the yen to travel remained and Wildwood proved to be the most viable destination, because we were now familiar with the area and it would be easier to avoid crowds. Plus, it was inexpensive! We rented the same condo and spent our days sitting on the beach, swimming in the ocean that was still protected by lifeguards, eating pizza and ice cream and going for long walks on the boardwalk. We were able to get out of the house, relax and think the world was normal again. But, we stayed far away from anyone else and while on the boardwalk we wore masks.

Of course, missing are the boardwalk attractions and rides shuttered down for the season including the Sightseeing Tramcar that tootles shoobies up and down the boardwalk periodically emitting a “Watch The Tram Car Please” warning. Over the years when she spoke about Wildwood, a place I had never been to previously, Janet would mimic the warning in a monotone nasally voice, which I thought was silly. But, this year we actually arrived the afternoon of Labor Day Monday and although the boardwalk and beach were far too crowded for us and we did not linger long, I did briefly get to see and hear that tram car trundle pass. We did not dare to ride it though. 

Here’s a FOUR HOUR LOOP of that Tram Car. I lasted 30 seconds…..
Our condo was cheap clean quiet and was just a block from the beach and we basically had the condo to ourselves. I think I would never want to visit here when the summer season is in full swing, regardless of a pandemic. 

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