Sunday, February 21, 2021


Right about now my devoted followers you’re probably feeling like we here at VFH Central. It’s bitterly cold and snowing and there’s a pandemic and there’s no football on the TV. We can’t go anywhere because of the icy roads and the weather and the virus, and I can’t eat any more of Janet’s pastries and bread, but please don't stop baking  Janet! I'll purge I'll rally...don't worry. 
I am getting very tired of shopping online buying things I don't really need, and I am loathe to look at old vacation pictures or plan for unattainable destinations! .
Janet's Almond Galette

Bored! BOREDOOMED! Doomed! 

Listening to Jeff Sarge’s Reggae Schoolroom on FMU 91.1, originally from Upsala College, East Orange, NJ, on Sunday mornings via my “Alexa” helps. I have been listening to the program on and off for decades, depending on the available reception, but with this device it’s my weekly indulgence. 

Quickly though as I listen to the music that beats to my heart’s rhythm and daydream of warm climes, my view out the kitchen window reminds me how inaccessible and faraway everything is for this crippled globe gnome. There’s no travel and no social activities, no dining, no interaction with friends or family except through emails or facetime calls.

BORED! BOREDOOMED! But not doomed.
At least I have the birds.
Janet introduced me to bird feeders at my old house and we have a feeder and a suet pack just outside our kitchen window here in the middle-class garret we now call home.

As the birds have gotten used to our faces ogling back at them through the kitchen window, we have been rewarded with a myriad of birds to view up close and personal. Goldfinches, Purple Finches, Bluebirds, Chickadees, several varieties of woodpeckers and sparrows among others I don’t really want to labor to discover their type, alight on our perch to feed! 

It’s absolutely delightful and offers a salve for this sequestered existence we are leading. …

That is until the Tree Rats (squirrels) come munching! I thought they hibernated in the winter…the bastards. Maybe I can find a squirrel zapper while online shopping...

Here's a sample of our view!

Hang in there we'll all get through this sooner or later.
Thanks for reading

Love Janet and greg


©2021 by greg dunaj

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