Monday, May 3, 2021


I once was late for a flight out of Santorini. I woke up late, hailed a cab and we caromed down the goat paths to the small airport where the plane was already taxiing. Flashing lights and a couple of honks stopped the plane and the crew opened the door and I was able to board.
THAT would never happen today. Between TSA checkpoints and pandemic protocols such “fluidity” is impossible, but if you’re a frequent traveler there are ways to cut through the churn of travel logistics in the new normal.
As we are traveling to Jamaica today there was another layer of security as we had to gain a required Travel Authorization form from the country and take a COVID test. Passports too of course. All have to be brought to the airport and perused by the check-in staff. It can be a wieldy, lengthy process, unless you use a new app, VeriFLY.
The app began in November 2020 and works for a still small, but growing number of international flights with American, Aer Lingus, British Air, Iberia and Japan Airlines. Visit the website for eligible flights.
The App speeds you through the airport check-in process by creating a single file for all the paperwork needed for your international flight.
After downloading the app there’s a button for trip information. Immediately the required forms/information comes up, including, in the case of Jamaica, the Travel Authorization form, proof of insurance and results of your COVID test. You create a profile which HAS to include your picture and when it’s all completed you get a green checkmark with the words “ready to travel”. Janet put both our profiles on her phone. 
American Airlines sent us an email recommending we look into VeriFLY and we were very happy we did so. We sped through a separate check-in bypassing the hordes. Even the agent at check-in was overjoyed with the App saying it made her life easier.
It doesn't beat honking a car horn to catch a plane ride, but it's close!

Thanks for reading.
Love Janet and greg 

by Greg Dunaj .

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