Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Janet and I have been together quite a while now and have traveled quite a number of places and can regale you with tales from the road…sort of what I am doing in this blog. Recently we hosted a number of friends for the weekend and we got to talking about one of our trips to New Orleans and beyond. Hurricane Ida’s destruction was still fresh in the news.
For most of July 2008 we had crisscrossed southwest Louisiana in exploring this beautiful resilient area and I had kept a blog of those travels. It was called "Cajun Country Travels," and except for one last entry when we revisited New Orleans to visit my daughter, the blog ended in 2008. This particular blog “VACATIONS FROM HOME” started in 2009
At first, our friends were incredulous, possessing an east coast bias that there was no such beauty beyond their horizons, but as Janet and I spoke of our long-ago travels we could see a hint of appreciation in their faces. They may never travel there themselves; few have the inclination or the luxury of time; but it got me to rereading my old blog, "CAJUN COUNTRY TRAVELS", and I thought you, fair and devoted readers, would like to as well. 

 © 2021 All Rights Reserved
By Greg Dunaj

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