Saturday, January 8, 2022


We are emboldened! We’ve had more injections this past year between vaccines and flu shots and boosters that we could easily think we are indestructible or at least healthy enough to travel.
This pandemic has other plans.
With COVID variants popping up like dandelions on my spring lawn it’s no wonder countries are hesitant to allowing outside travelers across their borders. The logistics of traveling to foreign countries is already a chore without this pandemic, but with the constantly changing COVID protocols adding another layer of details it’s a wonder why we even want to leave the house!
Because it’s a big world and someone has to see it!
Team VFH is ambitious this year and we’re currently planning a trip to a Diamond Resort on Tenerife in the Canary Islands with points gifted by Janet’s step-mother late March into April. We are traveling to another Sandals resort, this time in Grenada in May. And, we are looking for a sailing adventure in Fiji in September. We will be cashing in airline miles we’ve accrued over the years for a couple of free flights.
Yes, it is all very ambitious, but with a nod to all the COVID protocol issues we are paring down our destinations. Rather than taking side trips before reaching any of the destinations we are simply going straightaway to each island nation.
We may have to overnight in Madrid on our way to Tenerife to avoid missing a connecting flight, but at this writing we are (ahem…I mean Janet) trying to figure out how to avoid this.

Every country has its own set of COVID rules and it’s hard to keep up with them. Thankfully American Airlines runs something called Sherpa. Updated as changes are announced by governments, this great and free resource helps plan travel around the latest health and travel restrictions.
One could and should go to the individual country’s website for the latest information, but Sherpa lays it out clearly and details not only entry requirements but also return necessities.
Go to the website, plug in your travel information including dates and destination and Sherpa gives you a legible, easy to read guide to the necessary steps to comply with COVID protocol rules currently in place, including any necessary tests or quarantining requirements. Sherpa also gives information for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated travel.
Here is what we’re looking at so far:
Canary Islands
Fully vaccinated travelers from the United States have no need to quarantine or take a COVID test to gain entry, but upon landing will have a health screening consisting of a temperature check and visual check for symptoms. Masks are required in all public areas.

Fully vaccinated travelers from the United States who do not have a travel history visiting certain African countries listed on the website are allowed entry. Another reason to avoid side trips. Upon arrival a COVID test may have to be taken if authorities in Grenada think it’s necessary.
This distant island nation in the South Pacific just recently reopened their borders in December and they have the strictest rules. First off you must be fully vaccinated just to gain entry and then spend 3 nights at a certified CFC (Care Fiji Committed) hotel and take a Rapid Test on day 2. If negative then we could travel on our sailing adventure. This isn’t a quarantine in a hotel room, but a “Safe Travel Area” where CFC-approved tours, excursions and experiences are available during this stay. We experienced something similar to this when we traveled to Jamaica last year.
Fiji also requires travel insurance that covers COVID related issues and masks in all public areas.
Of course, as we get closer to departure dates restrictions may ease somewhat.
The situation(s) remain fluid though and the new normal of having to deal with this pandemic will never fully leave us. So, check Sherpa and the individual country’s website to keep up to date with these necessities, and we'll keep jumping through hoops in order to see this vast beautiful world.
Thanks for reading
Love Janet and greg
© 2022 by Greg Dunaj

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