Sunday, September 4, 2022



When we set our sights on traveling to the Republic of Fiji, a 300+ island archipelago in the South Pacific, we thought this far-flung tropical paradise only offered white sand beaches and blue Pacific waters and coral reefs. We were ready to bask in the sun as languid breezes dried us after refreshing plunges into tranquil waters sipping tequila laced Kava drinks and shouting “bula” (Fijian for ‘hello’) to everyone within earshot!
Fiji offers much more though. Viti Levu, the largest island of Fiji, is tropical, lush and volcanic and all that beauty hides yet another beautiful destination. The Navua River has been described as one of the top ten white water rafting day trips in the world!
The 10.5-mile gorge is like a mini-Grand Canyon with the waters cutting through ancient black lava forming steep walls that are in places 40 meters high and sometimes the river is just 5 meters wide, barely the width of the rafts themselves. The lush tropical landscape of ferns and tendrils of vines and waterfalls cascading down the walls at nearly every bend make this a necessary trip for your dynamic traveling duo to Fiji.
Often referred to as the River of Eden, when we saw pictures of the Upper Navua River Gorge we knew we had to book a day’s excursion, even though I don’t really like white water rafting. Janet loves it. She likes it enough to have booked a two-week adventure on the Colorado River through the real Grand Canyon. She had booked her trip through O.A.R.S. and the company is our guide on the Fiji trip as well.
It is beautiful and it is gorgeous, but most importantly, all that beauty is protected, and by our taking a trip down the Navua we are helping preserve this land.
It’s alluring for developing and poor countries to sell their land for the timber, mine for resources or to dam the river. It’s the quickest way to make money, and often the money is too great to ignore, but the people of the small villages that line the Upper Navua did just that and said ‘no’ to development. They feel the river is a direct connection to their ancestors and the short-term gain will never make up for the long-term damage.
Two outfitters run trips down the Navua and both helped broker this unique conversation cooperative, which prevents mining, logging or even roads within 200 meters of the river. River Fiji and our outfitter O.A.R.S., helped form the Upper Navau Conservation Area (UNCA) by leasing the rights from the local villagers or Mataqali.
We went with O.A.R.S. because of Janet’s connection with them from the Grand Canyon trip, and she was even able to logon to the website and get us some “frequent flyer” discounts for this trip.
Perhaps even more appealing than sailing through the islands off Viti Levu, this day of white water rafting through Eden will be life-altering epiphanous.
Thanks for reading.
Love to you all, Janet and greg
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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