Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Now this holds true for any destination and not just Curaçao, but before you leave the house make sure your paperwork is in order. Thankfully Janet is good at researching what necessities are required for entry. I'm really good at wasting time. 
Every country is different and Janet learned that Curaçao requires a digital immigration form that needs to be presented at the airport. We filled out the form at home and printed it out and also had it saved on our phone. 
Save time and do the same instead of fumbling about at the check-in counter. It's best to be prepared... and you'll have more time to drink a Bloody Mary at the airport.
Here's the website:
Also, flying out of Philadelphia can be difficult as we need to fly to Miami for a connecting flight to anywhere in the Caribbean. Last year when we traveled to Grenada our plane from Philadelphia landed in Miami AS THE CONNECTING FLIGHT was boarding. Miami is a big airport and the early flight to Curaçao had just a 45 minute layover. Not wanting to endure that travesty again we are arriving late in Curaçao at 9:00 pm, and not wanting to spend the money at Sandals for a short stay we decided to book a hotel near the airport in Curaçao. We'll have a 3.5 hour layover in Miami, but that's fine. I'm really good at wasting time.
Do your research about your destination and make sure you got everything ready for your trip before you go.
Thanks for reading
© 2023 by Gregory Dunaj

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