Friday, June 25, 2010

anybody want a dog

Oh yeah....the damned dog looks innocent in the picture, but she is a pain in the butt.

Twice, yes, twice, she ran away today! Early this morning she was wandering the aisles of the local CVS. Yes, Elliemae, the
whacked-out Tree Walking Coon Hound, was IN THE STORE. Perhaps the old lady was looking for Metamuscil? She may be old, but she's smart, because she knows I give her a cookie everytime I bring her home!
The bitch....

Tonight it happened again. I went out to Washington's Outlook which is on Goat Hill just south of Lambertville to view the Friday night fireworks, and the whole point of this particular blog entry. But, back to that later..................
I got home and looked for the dog to let her out, but she was no where to be found. Now I know she doesn't like the fireworks and when I've been home for them I noticed she cowers in the bathroom. She may not hear very well; she certainly doesn't listen very well; but she must hear the kaboom of the pyrotechnics....the bitch...

Well tonight I failed to lock the back door again and while I spent a glorious evening watching the fireworks display, the bad dog got out again. I couldn't find her in any of her favored sleeping niches. Just as I got home the phone rang and someone was saying they had her down on Main Street. It was a good thing I didn't go out for a bite to eat, or else Elliemae might have been gone forever.... the bitch....

Naw, I couldn't be that lucky. Besides, she knows I have cookies at home.

Anyway, there are three hills in Lambertville. I live on Music Mountain, aptly named for the musical venue that was once here. Then there's Connaught Hill and Cottage Hill. Cottage Hill leads to Goat Hill which is in the next town, West Amwell. On Goat Hill the city of Lambertville gives quickly away to woods and scattered homes. Turn down an aptly named, George Washington Road, and it leads into dense woods that was once a Scout camp and then private property before being presented to New Jersey. It is now parkland and a quick hike up a winding road leads to a promontory overlooking the Delaware and the sister cities, Lambertville and New Hope. When it was private land I would sneak onto the property with Elliemae, the bitch, and hike about... Inevitably she would chase a deer or some sort of animal and I would chase after her and her howling...or is that baying? Whatever....the bitch!

At the crest of this hill I settled my butt on the beach chair I dragged up and watched the hazy night approach. For a good while there was just another person sharing this view with me. He had a long lens digital camera that looked professional. We chatted a bit and then gaped at a sun that slipped from beneath cloud cover before finally setting over the distant rolling Pennsylvania hills. We listened to the gleeful clamor of music from far below as the towns geared up for the evening's fireworks. Eventually the promontory filled up with others awaiting the display, braving the steep, rocky road that wound up the hill.

When the fireworks finally started, all the chattering ceased as people watched the display reverently. Every booming explosion roiled across the valley, echoing in our hearts and pulling the air from our lungs. It was glorious and it was all lower than eye level. From our steep perch we looked down on the barge and the river and the hordes gathered on the bridge. We heard their cheers between the percussive thuds and when it ended everyone on the hill applauded like children. Afterwards people picked their way down the steep road, flashlights flitting the haphazard footfalls. We spoke in hushed tones. This was a special night...

So joyous was this occasion, so filled with pride that my heart swelled with the knowledge this was home, my town, that I didn't mind the dog had gotten loose again. I was home and this was good and Elliemae's trangression was met with a hug and a cookie.

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