Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Situation

Sometimes when the world is out there and your humble chronicler of all moochable flings is raring to go, he forgets his duties and fails to pass on his findings to his favorite audience of this blog. I feel guilty that I am fully enjoying these days of August, but I am not taking the time to share the experiences. The days though have been full and complete, brimming with activities and they have cascaded one after another tumbling quickly from sunrise to sunset. The flurry of events have taken their toll and with the occident I too tumble into bed tired and allow the whims and caprices of the day to dance in my head, a smile graced across my lips.

Sometimes the days are simpler. Filled with trips to the gym so that your intrepid travelers have the strength and stamina to hold up to the rigors of the road, as well as trips to the grocery store for fuel. Despite the mundane, these are nonetheless days of great worth for the VFH team greatly benefits from these tantric rituals and we emerge with such elan and passion that our reach often exceeds our grasp and like bees we fly through the air bouncing off flowers and walls.

You see there is a pattern here.

To give a quick recount of the events would be futile, and it would not be prudent to try and capture every detail of each of the days because this blog entry would be so lengthy as to inspire nausea. So, please suffice it to say that currently we at VFH central are going gang busters and later on I will try to spoon feed details...

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