Monday, October 18, 2010

work work work work

The driving force of this particular blog is unemployment or underemployment. For too long a while I had been making just enough money to barely pay my bills with little extra. The economy has been bad for everyone for a long time and Vacations From Home has now 2 years under its ever tightening belt. Though it is a fun challenge to explore cheaper avenues of entertainment, thoughts of Hawaiian beaches and cafes in Italian piazzas will forever invade my day. Such destinations farther afield are beyond VFH's this point. There are glimmers though of hope. At least there is a lot of work coming in for this freelancer and the rule of thumb for a person in my position is you take as much of it of you can, because there's no guarantee there will be any tomorrow. Regardless, we are far far far away from planning some a trip that involves plane rides or over night stays. Who loses in this particular situation are the faithful readers of this ponderous blog. Without time to explore and "vacation" there is nothing to write about. Or, if something occurs, like Octoberfest last weekend in Lambertville, there is little time to write about it. Be patient, fair readers. It all works out.
In the wait for more entries you can always visit my other blog. I am posting my second novel online chapter by chapter as time allows: could be a nice diversion until then.

BTW ... Octoberfest in Lambertville really is just a good excuse to drink beer at the River Horse Brewery. Situated down by the canal the owners block off an area, put up a temporary stage for some rock bands and sell their beer. Buy a commemorative 16 oz glass for $7.00 and $4.00 pints thereafter. It's worth it, except the walk back up the hill to my house can be dicey...ask Janet.

love to all... got to get to work!

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