Saturday, February 26, 2011

the great search

We here at VFH central are experiencing a dilemma. The conditions that neccesitated our conserving a rapidly dwindling supply of money have eased somewhat. What had been the genesis of our desperation as well as our inspiration, unemployment, or rather, underemployment, has changed recently. I've had several healthy months of filled calendars and clients and, well, the money supply is steadily flowing. At least for now. This is not to say that things will continue in this vein. As a freelancer I am usually at the mercy of the whim and wisdom of those who need my services, which can be as capricioius as a tornado and as tight fisted as a constipated clam. The rule then is to grab as much work as possible, because you never know when there will be a next day of work. There have been few times in my lengthy career that I've not worried when the next paycheck will float into my greasy little hands and because of my recent travails I look at each blank day on my calendar with trepidation.

But, fer goodness sake we can't be all doom and gloom if current events are indicative of better times and weightier wallets? Two years into a journey of slouching our way towards serendipitious opportunity, we have learned the necessities of mooching and will continue to do so... Why? Because we like being cheap. Why be frivilous with our newly filled coffers? We have discovered the joy of being frugal and extending and varying our experiences. But because of this recent influx of work we no longer have to limit our horizons to just our neighborhoods. So, then the VHF dilemma is a sweet one.

There are two excursions coming up this season for the team that are quite exciting, especially given our compartively dour travels the past two summers. They require spending money though, which eviserates the VFH credo, but they are necessary excursions. It is our duty as parents to take these two trips. And so with a heavy sigh and a crowbar we need pry open our wallets and part ways with some of our hard earned moola. Sadly there is no way around spending money because I have yet to perfect my teleportation device and airfare has to be purchased.

In April, team VFH travels to New Orleans for a four day eating soiree, offically under the pretense to visit my daughter. She moved there in September of last year and has asked me to visit. New Orleans is a great town. I am happy she's there and my stomach growls in rapt appreciation of the invite. During a more flush time, before the economic downtown begat Vacations From Home and its stingy approach to the day, your illustrious team had traveled to the Big Easy to gorge themselves at Galatoire's and Jacques Imo's and Mothers before galavanting through cajun country for two weeks. You can read about that trip at:

The particulars of this upcoming trip are sketchy; we're not sure where we're eating as yet; but we are staying at the same hotel as last time. We were able to get a very favorable air/hotel combination at The Ramada Plaza Hotel The Inn on Bourbon Street, although we had to split our flights... Continental out and United Air on the return. A small price to pay for the pleasure of returning to the Crescent City.

Then, in July your favorite mooch crew has to fly to England for the second wedding of Janet's daughter....don't ask what that's all about it's far too complicated to explain.
A flight to Europe during the summer is usually too prohibitive for VFH to consider, but because this too is a family matter we are obligated to travel. Somehow we were able to get a direct flight, Newark to Manchester for under a thousand dollars....

Ugh....I didn't just write that did I? ugh.... At least it's not on Pterodactyl Airlines...ala Fred Flinstone.

There was a time when I traveled so much for work that I only had to cash in some frequent flyer miles if I wanted to vacation somewhere. Spain, Mexico, Hawaii, Barbados, Florida, Nevada, Jamaica were some of the destinations. Not no more.... ugh...

But, just want to let you know, your VFH team is a seasoned crew. She too has traveled the world and can regale you with as many varied tales from the road. The combined experiences we have amassed is impressive. We can put a lot of pushpins on that map of the world and we have traveled frugally throughout. Sadly, spending money is a necessity of traveling such great distances, so it is Vacation From Home's great search to take these necessary trips and spend as little as possible. Of course we'll have to eat in New Orleans, and when we travel to England the whole of Europe is available to us after the wedding. Nothing is finalized as yet, but preliminary ideas are for a trip to Scotland to sample single malts and to Belgium to drink beer. We have already read a lot about both places and have contacted distilleries in Scotland and a Belgian blogger who writes about beer and have gathered some useful information. As we finalize ideas we will let you know. Conversely, if you, fair reader, have any advice to offer, please pass it on.
Write me at:

Though we're not sure where we're going after the wedding, we are sure that we are staying at the in-laws' house in Nantwich. So, at least we're saving some money there. More details will follow as we complete our search for all things cheap and fun.



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