Monday, February 21, 2011

if pigs could fly they would drink la chouffe

So the new season of Vacations From Home begins, but before your favorite VFH team starts their never ending pursuit of all things fun and quick and on the cheap we must recite our credo and pledge our devotion to you our faithful readers.

1) We will go through any means necessary to save a buck.
2) We will not be embarrassed by our sometimes extreme efforts to pinch pennies.
3) We will mooch.
4) We will "depend on the kindness of strangers" and happily accept free drinks or other such contraband, (and not return in kind).
5) We shall quibble over paltry sums just to get the best price.
6) We will consider all things free unless forced to purchase.
7) We will find items of interest in the usually mundane.
8) We will find joy in the arcane and seek the off beaten path for new experiences.
9) We will share what we have learned with you, the reader, so that you too may
experience our good fortune... unless, of course, it's too good to share...

So, there you have it! Let the new season of mooching, couch surfing and travel begin! can always share your experiences too by either commenting here or sending an email: .

Also...check out my newest book on amazon. The Music Made Me Cry is now just .99 cents... and only available on the kindle or using a kindle app for your ipad, pc, etc.

La Chouffe is a favored beer out of Belgium and rare. To find it on tap and for just $5.00 is shocking. A recent sideways trip to Malvern, PA...not really on the Main Line (okay...if you'll buy us a drink we'll say it's on the Main Line) found us in the Flying Pig Saloon. A dive on the outside, but heaven within it's portals. There were almost too many beers on tap! The wings were good too. Just $7.25 for crunchy and spicy wings. We would have had to pay more, but some guy from across the bar, who looked like he regularly booes Santa Claus, bought us a round... we smiled politely and breathed easily when he lumbered out the door, probably to paint his face Eagle green.

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