Saturday, June 25, 2011


Traveling my way is usually haphazard; I hit the ground running and spin in many directions. Whatever catches my fancy, when a left turn is much more appealing than a right turn, I take it. Sadly, lots of time is needed for such capricious travel and we have none of that in this impending trip to Europe. Every day's slate of events has been honed and tinkered with so that we can get the most bang for our time in England, Scotland and, especially Belgium. If such details were left to me though the Vacations From Home team would run around like headless chickens. But, my counterpart is a very detail oriented soul, of which I am extremely thankful for. She is NASA to my John F. Kennedy. Kennedy proclaimed the U.S.A. will send a man to the moon by the end of the decade, but NASA is the one to do it. I threw a lot of ideas against the wall and some stuck, but most dripped sadly to the floor. She made everything work. We are, I mean, she is, a well-oiled machine.
Nothing has been left to chance with her. She has made the air, train and hotel arrangements, and although I contribute by figuring out what beer to drink in Belgium, she has made maps of the bars that seem to be the best. So, attached, I am sharing some of her work. Click the links and see what we're going to do in our fleeting time in both Brugge and Brussels. Feel free to write to us if you have suggestions, but be aware Janet has done her research. Without her input we would be languishing at a train station somewhere, getting nowhere

beer map of Brugge:

beer map of Brussels:

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