Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a solemn quest

Yes, yes, yes....we have been doing things here at Vacations From Home.... We had a lovely Memorial Day weekend at our friends' house in Delaware where we had to "dance off our alcohol" (yes, it was that bad....), and we traipsed about the area for Philadelphia's beer week... http://www.philadelpiabeerweek.org/ Although we avoided going into the city, several of the area bars had specials going on. We visited Isaac Newton's in Newtown and Iron Hill Brewery in Phoenixville. But recently we just cohabited and cooked and lounged about and basically laid low. We saw a couple of films, Hangover II ...don't bother .... and Super 8... it was entertaining.... like ET on crystal meth. We did spend a lot of time researching our travels in Europe and we stumbled across this article in USA Today:
Hopefully we'll be lucky enough to sample ourselves.

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