Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Borrowed shoes

How cheap can I get? Well, let me tell you, I'm downright notorious in my ability to find ways to save money. Take for instance my favorite form of exercise, running. Nothing is more relaxing than loping along the Delaware & Raritan Canal towpath that goes through Lambertville. During the 20+ years I've lived in this little river town I must have logged thousands of miles running on this idyllic trail between the canal and the river. The canal was dug in the 1800's to transport coal to New York City from the Pennsylvania mines.
The views of the Delaware glittering in the afternoon sun are inspirational enough to get me out there and with 34 miles of park there is no shortage of new stretches to run along, but often I just pop out my front door and get to it. I used the trail to train for 8 marathons and countless shorter races, and I plan to run more. Yes, running is a great form of exercise and it's cheap. It's also a good way to tour a new city or country. When I traveled extensively for work years ago I would look forward to a run in a new place. Sometimes my only recollection of a trip was of the run I was able to squeeze in on my schedule.

Running is a cheap form of exercise too. You just need some particulars like shoes, socks and an outfit of some sort. Please, no velour warm up ensembles! The rotten thing is the cost of the shoes. They wear out and no amount of duct tape will help patch them up. Bad shoes invariably lead to knee, back and hip problems too so it's important to "retire" your shoes as they wear. I must go through 5 shoes a year, depending on whether I'm training for a marathon or just keeping in shape. Good shoes cost a lot of money, but typical of my cheap ways, I discovered a way to get free shoes. You can too. Years and years ago I signed up for the "wear test" program for New Balance. They send me shoes. I wear them, write an evaluation and then at the end of the testing period return them. I don't mind. Usually by the time I'm finished with them they are beat to hell anyway. I average 3 shoes a calendar year from them. So, if I'm not inspired by the glittering views of the Delaware then the need to run to test the shoes propels me.

This sounds like a typical VFH scam I know, trying to get something for nothing, but I'm also providing a service to NB. I haven't looked into other running shoe companies, but I would not be surprised if there are similar offers out there.

Gotta run... see ya.


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