Sunday, June 9, 2013

Getting Low Country with social media mooching

Your intrepid travelers are frugal, but humility and dignity quickly melt away when the prying open of the wallet becomes a necessity. Endeavoring to lessen the shock of greenbacks flitting haphazardly into the stratosphere Team VFH has often explored off-centered attempts at mooching. Recently we have discovered new and potentially limitless opportunities to mooch on Facebook and Twitter. The “kids” may say that adults have ruined Facebook, but this social media site allows us to cast a far wider mooching net. A simple missive, typical of Facebook and Twitter, launched by yours truly, read: “Hey friends, where should Janet and I vacation this summer.” After all Janet and I share many friends, but have many separate ones, so this had potential for success. This indeed is casting a very wide net.
mooching ops galore

We got a lot of suggestions.  Of course, we ignored all the feeble ones offering this destination or that. Sure, if we had the money we could easily go to Europe, or Hawaii, but we were holding out for that elusive, wonderful, glorious, radiant invitation for a visit to someone’s home. Hopefully, not too far away to drive…forget flying. Florida would have been good, even in the summer. We have friends in Florida, but they did not respond to our innocent query. Should I block them? No, that would be bad karma and we may someday get that invite. That is the Vacations From Home way; don’t burn bridges! Friends at the Jersey shore didn’t come through either, but they are still dealing with the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, so we’ll cut them a break. A friend offered his vacation home in Maine, but as a rental. THAT IS NOT what this mooching is all about…cheesh.

Just when we thought our perhaps most embarrassing foray into out-and-out mooching would not bear fruit, we got an invite. A friend of Janet’s from college, whom she reconnected with through Facebook after decades, invited us down to Hilton head for a week in July. We had already visited them at their home in the Pittsburgh area last year and attended a Pirates game.
Success! We graciously accepted their invite and started our research.

Hilton Head is the largest barrier island on the eastern seaboard and part of an area of South Carolina called the Low Country. How appropriate for VFH…."Low" Country.                                     

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