Thursday, December 31, 2015


Disaster in Nantwich
The gloaming comes early in this part of the world. Combine the northern latitude with the wintry times and it gets dark mid-afternoon in northwest England. The sun is usually a rare sighting any time of year, although it was unseasonably delightful yesterday and there have been silvery glints in the sky. Today the full impact of English weather is on display with blustery winds and rain that comes in fits and spurts, nothing full on and nothing quite clear, just a muddling through the day. Other parts of England are suffering through severe flooding caused by Storm Frank. Nantwich has been largely spared, although the winds that left my face raw red after my run was cause for some excitement in this sleepy little town. They will be talking about the fierce storm of 2015 for decades to come in the pubs of Nantwich. Not only was an elderly man’s hat blown clear across the street, the winds did blow over a tree. This offensive tree just happened to be front of the apartment of our hosts’ daughter and throughout the day she was comforted and congratulated for her bravery by friends and family.
Yes, not a lot happens in Nantwich.
And, that’s wonderful.


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