Sunday, December 27, 2015

To Grandmother's House we go..............

The boss of Team VFH, is currently in England visiting her daughter and son-in-law and their 11 month old child. Work commitments have me here Stateside until tomorrow when I fly out to Manchester out of Philadelphia.
This is an over the hills and through the woods excursion across the pond and hearts and minds will brim with warm thoughts and embraces and another chance to see the young grandson that has Janet’s heart on a string. I’ll be there for just 6 days, so there’s not much time for exploring. Usually I am loath to return to a destination because it is such a big world and there is so much to see, but this particular trip to Nantwich, Chesire in the UK is all about family.

Nantwch is about 40 miles south of Liverpool and I was last there for the kid’s wedding at the Crown Hotel, a 16th century building that leans into High Street like a drunken sailor. Our visit this time to this charming, quiet town will no doubt include several trips to “The Gun”, The Rifleman, the favored pub of our hosts. They’ll be little time for anything else. I understand our NYE celebration will include a pub crawl and then a gathering at the square before St. Mary’s Church to hear the New Year chime in as we all link arms to sing a drunken version of Auld Lang Syne. ….before going back to the pubs.

Sounds like fun!

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