Wednesday, July 20, 2016

USS Anathema

A Boatload of Money
Contrary to popular belief Vacations From Home IS willing to part with our hard earned moola. Yes, we can spend like drunken sailors BUT we always have one foot in reality and a firm grasp of our coffers. As long as our dearly departed buckaroos are for a good cause or for a great value we will spend, but without the hangover of our naval brethren. Spending money is a sobering endeavor and two weekends ago was a glorious example of our willingness to have a good time.

And, spend we did! Team VFH’s Rear Admiral Lower Half, Janet, threw me a rather extensive surprise party for my impending birthday. (Not that I want to be reminded of approaching old age.) Nonetheless a few Saturdays ago I was greeted by a bevy of friends, all wearing Aloha shirts on the Cruise Annapolis catamaran Daydream Believer. They weren’t playing the Monkees song though, but Frank Sinatra and each hoisted Champagne flutes in my honor. I was handed an especially dreadful (yeah!) Aloha shirt as a gift and we set sail for an 8 hour party on the Chesapeake Bay.
I was quite surprised, You see, we had traveled to Annapolis for the weekend for a casual get together with our friends and perhaps a small boating excursion. One of our friends keeps a motor boat in Edgewater, but it never occurred to me that all of us would not fit on her comparatively modest craft at the same time. So, when Janet drove me to the dock; we had lagged behind the others; I was shocked and giddy with this display of love and affection from my love and friends.

If I could I would promote Janet to Vice Admiral, although her lower half is rather enticing.

Owning a boat is quite expensive. It’s nice to have friends who don’t mind bearing the expense, but renting a boat for the day with a seasoned captain is well worth the cost. A couple of our party own boats and delighted in helping out without the normal responsibility of piloting a craft.  
I delighted in drinking champagne at first and then Patron infused Corona beer. Just add lime and fill the empty part of the bottle with tequila………………………. After drinking a number of these many of us were sprawled out on the netting between the two hulls of the catamaran. At some point I was dared to show my aging bod and leapt naked into the bay. It was a great day, although if queried, my friends would regret egging me into skinny dipping,

It was not a cheap date, but greatly appreciated! Thank you Rear Admiral Lower Half, Janet!

Check out Cruise Annapolis’ fleet.

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