Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The full majestic glorious attractive power of Team VFH was on display this past Fourth of July weekend as it was just one invite after another to BBQs and pools and dinner engagements! Avert your eyes if you must, but Vacations From Home was everywhere and everyone wanted to be near us. Open invitations, open pools and open refrigerators were ours for the choosing as we flitted from place to place in a sort of pseudo-intellectual reenactment of our country’s independence as we had the inalienable right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! 

Dear faithful readers….you should be SO lucky.

How you may ask? How do we get invited to pool parties on the Main Line, that ultra-rich bastion of Philadelphian old money? Could it be because of the vivacious charms of Janet and my devilish good looks, in a nerdy sort of way, that people want to stick to us like Velcro, or could it really be good planning as we cast a wide net to ensnare all opportunities?  Perhaps it was all luck after all and while we were prepared to idle the days away in Janet’s home grown jungle of a back deck, content, the phone chimed to life with destinations for your humble cheapskates.

Out of respect to our hosts who may want to remain anonymous, lest their good luck at getting Team VFH to visit them offends their envious neighbors and friends, I shall not go into details here. Plus, your illustrious and humble team of entrepreneurial party animals, would not want to be so gauche as to announce their antics, unless of course it was somebody like Gisele Bundchen or Christie Brinkley who extended the invite and then that would be really really cool to “mention” here.

Our advice to you dear reader is this: One must prepare for any and all scenarios when the weekend approaches and never ever simply dismiss out of hand an invite and besides you can sleep in on Monday.

Get to work. The next weekend is rapidly nearing. 

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