Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Football season is in full swing; unless you’re the NY Football Giants and you’ve decided not to start playing; but autumn IS here and what that means there are a number of very very good reasons to drink beer. It's the time of Oktoberfests folks and here in southeastern Pennsylvania there are enough festivals dedicated to liquid gold there is no reason to book airline tickets to Munich Germany where the whole silly Bavarian bacchanalian celebration began nearly 200  years ago.

Here is a website about the original oom-pah party which began as a wedding celebration to a King Ludwig in 1810. This year's Oktoberbest in Munich began on September 16 and will go until October 3rd.
Want to see what you’re missing in Munich? Here’s a link to a webcam:

According to tradition only original Munich beer is sold at the beer tents and each maintain strict adherence to the "Reinheitsgebot", the Bavarian Purity Requirements for beer.  There are six breweries represented: Augustiner (a personal favorite), Hacker Pschorr, Hofbrau, Lowenbraur, Paulaner and Spaten. Not an IPA in the bunch. 

Here's a BBC article about the Reinheitsgebot:

Can’t make it to Munich? I didn't think so and neither can Team VFH and right about now you're thinking there's too much effort going on with beer between logistics and what can be drunk. But, here is a small collection of festivals dedicated to liquid bread in the Philadelphia area that is all about having some beers with friends:

Autumn is a very popular time for beer and doubly so in this area that really likes its beer. It seems there's an Oktoberfest everywhere you look, even the Philadelphia Zoo had its own version of an Oktoberfest; alas too late for this year.

Heck, celebrations are literally down the street from us in Collegeville. The local Appalachian Brewing Company establishment (a small chain) is hosting their yearly Oktoberfest Ride for bicyclers on October 22nd. Though the Reinheitsgebot will NOT be represented here, you can literally hold your breath and walk from our place to APC. The challenging course which begins and ends at the brewery covers approximately 62 miles.

A personal Oktoberfest favorite of mine is the month long celebration at Stoudts in Adamstown near Reading. I have gone a couple of times over the years. There's a large dance hall and music to go with the lederhosen and great beers. The highlight of the day is the parade of the roasted pig and the tasty beast leads a cha cha line through the place as the oom-pah band plays... I know I know there might be TOO much excitement. But heck, it's better than watching the Giants lose another game. Ein PROST!

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