Friday, September 22, 2017


CAPTAIN UPDATE                                   
Janet is on her two week trip white water rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. For a myriad of ridiculous reasons your favorite Team VFH clerk did not accompany the captain on this trip of a lifetime. Ain't that a kick in the head.

She is with the adventure group OARS and according to their information she will be traveling 250+ miles from Lees Ferry to Lake Mead and going over 47 rapids rated 5 or above on the Grand Canyon scale of 1 to 10. She’ll be hiking and eating well and having the time of her life. There’s no cell phone service and the OARS people could not even give me a timetable as to where she’ll be at any time during the trip.
postcard from Janet

But, post cards are available at the Phantom Ranch, the only lodging below the Canyon rim. Accessible only by the river, hiking over 7 miles down into the canyon or traveling by mule, the Phantom Ranch is an oasis of wood or stone cabins first constructed in the 1920s by the federal government and space is extremely limited. Currently reservations are up to 13 months in advance. In 2019 there will be a lottery system instituted.
The Phantom Ranch Canteen


A canteen at the Phantom Ranch makes breakfast and dinners, for lodgers, hikers and rafters and reservations are required here with special seating times for both meals. Evidently you can also buy beer here and I received a wonderful postcard from Janet yesterday telling me this. Mail is hauled up to the rim by mules. She’s enjoying herself and says she’s sending me kisses nightly through the Milky Way. I’ve never seen the Milky Way. I am missing so much. Ain’t that a kick in the head?
The Milky Way over the Grand Canyon

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