Friday, June 5, 2020


We have been stuck here in Collegeville Pennsylvania since the Coronavirus pandemic started ravaging the world. Dutifully quarantining ourselves, exercising social distancing and wearing masks whenever we are out it has been a hellish couple of months. Incessant news reports on the pandemic was giving our willies the willies. It is shocking to see the progression of this virus as it has run through our society unabated.

Our world consequently has gotten much much smaller. Planned trips to England, Hilton Head and Texas have been cancelled. A summer rental in Ocean City New Jersey that was big enough to host Janet’s family and mine has been cancelled. We still are not sure if a trip in December to Jamaica is still on, or if that will be cancelled as well.

Thankfully now with the warm weather we are able to retreat to our jungle of a back deck. Every year Janet creates another beautiful world with ferns and potted and hanging plants. Lights along the railing create a peaceful serene enclosure. The past few years we’ve expanded off the back deck with three Hosta plants, wildflowers in a little garden and several pots of hot peppers and tomatoes. Last year we had a lot of Habaneros and made everything from hot sauces to Habanero/Pineapple jelly.

You would think that because of this pandemic and cancelled travel our social life would dwindle to zero, but it has had the complete opposite effect. Our world has expanded to our neighbors. Not having to be anywhere has allowed us to enjoy the life we’ve created for ourselves. To slow down and not travel has been refreshing and rewarding. We’ve gotten to know our neighbors more, albeit from a safe distance. We’ve watched the neighborhood blossom with parents enjoying bike rides with their children also taking advantage of life and streets devoid of traffic. As the weather has warmed some of the neighborhood kids noisily splash in a blowup pool or carom down a slip ‘n slide.  
We’ve noticed that the traffic in the neighborhood was very quiet for a long while and wild animals from the nearby wooded areas had become emboldened by the solitude. We’ve had deer in the development, pesky racoons rifling garbage cans and a very brave fox ambling about both during the day and night.

We’ve taken to walking nearly every day, sometimes with the dog sometimes we invite the little girl next door. We’ll walk, masks at the ready, looking out for other people crying out “Mask Alert!” when someone nears. Often our walks take us up to the vast stretch of property at Ursinus College. Students have been sent home and there’s just a skeleton facilities crew working there so it’s as if we have our own personal park. The gyms have all been closed, but Janet is good friends with the owners and she was able to borrow some weights for workouts at home.

Sadly, most of our partying is at home on the back deck. We do long to linger at an outdoor café in Phoenixville, but we make the best of it with happy hours in our jungle. Sometimes it’s a virtual party, sometimes we’re just waving to our neighbors on the nearby decks!  

We do support the local brew pubs though. Many offer specials on their beer and all offer take out menus. Down the street from us is a new place called Troubles End. Unfortunately, Troubles End had their grand opening the week before the pandemic went wild, so the name is wishful thinking. We’ve ordered take-out food several times to show our support and also bought some Heady Topper beer, a rarity offered in these parts. Iron Hill in Phoenixville has a great offer of two pizzas and a growler for $25 and Sly Fox also has food specials for pick up to go along with their excellent beer.

Janet thankfully loves to cook. We get meal kits often and that saves on traveling to the super markets too often. All the ingredients for that meal come with the kit so there’s a cost savings in not having to purchase every item. Currently we are going with Green Chef, but she was on a vegan kick for a while and she was ordering from Purple Carrot, but Janet often follows what has the best deal.

You know, the thing about vegan meals… that tofu looks like it should come out of my body and not go into it………….

Lately Janet has been on a mission to perfect baking sourdough bread. It’s an involved time-consuming process to first get a sourdough starter going, waiting and, well it’s complicated for me. She’s not perfected it yet, but she has baked several very interesting loaves.

The thing is that when you create a starter, part of the process is to toss some away to allow more growth. Instead of tossing the unwanted starter Janet instead has begun to donate to others in the community who would use it to bake their own bread. She reached out using the local Buy Nothing Project, which is a global network of community-based groups that encourages giving and sharing and trading of goods and services and sourdough starter kits. Janet was familiar with the Buy Nothing Project already having donated various items like doggy dental chews and a pegboard she no longer needed. In return she asked the community to send to her daughter birthday cards for a recent milestone anniversary and they readily complied. One of her starter beneficiaries dropped off a cache of savory garlic and sage biscuits.

You can find your local Buy Nothing Project group on Facebook.
Here’s their website:

For the past five weeks Janet has been hosting a web-based cooking show for the Pilates studio she belongs to in Phoenixville. TruFit Pilates has been closed since the pandemic struck, and Janet was approached by the owners to host this show. A natural educator and fabulous cook, Janet has made everything from vegan tostados to a chocolate pistachio glazed cake, all the while drinking an adult beverage. For me it’s a mini television production and a lot of fun. We arrange the iPad and the lights in the kitchen for her to work her magic and I monitor the site for questions. It keeps us busy and this past week we did the show on the back deck.

All the videos are recorded and can be watched anytime. Either go to my Facebook page or TruFit Pilates page.

You know, we’re having a lot of fun being quarantined. This almost makes us want to stay close to home more often and rethink travel. It may be a big world, but there’s a lot to see and do right here.

Thanks for reading.

Love, Janet and greg

© 2020 by GREG DUNAJ


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