Wednesday, June 3, 2020


This is a travel blog, and I will never pretend to know I have any solutions except on how to get from here to there and perhaps what you’ll find once you arrive. I certainly do not harbor political agendas or malice towards anyone, but sadly the world is currently so upside down with this Covid-19 pandemic and now with protests against police brutality convulsing this great nation, allow me to say that my heart is breaking. I am saddened by the loss of life and the injustice, but I am hopeful that we have reached a turning point with both viruses. Unfortunately, Covid-19 may be an easier virus to contend with and hopefully a solution is on the horizon. The virus of systemic racism that runs throughout the history of this country is a deadlier virus. It needs to end; it needs to be eradicated.

How? I told you I don’t have a solution, but I do know that it is viscerally wrong to have someone kneeling on another human’s neck. These protests hopefully are the dialogue that needs to begin for people everywhere to be respected and heard. Social distancing is the catch phrase these days. It helps prevent the spread of the Covid-19, but we must aspire to be closer to everyone in thought and deed. We must listen to those who are hurt and grieving and treat others as we want to be treated. No one should be excluded because no one is better than the other. 

We must love. Because we’re all in this together.

©.2020 by GREG DUNAJ

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