Thursday, December 24, 2020


This COVID pandemic is taking its toll on your favorite traveling team. It’s a big world out there and we ain’t getting any younger, but we certainly will get older because we are taking the necessary precautions. We are getting tired of this sitting around nonsense. Thankfully Janet is a brilliant chef and her cooking is expanding my COVID Circumference.

We may be well-fed, safe and healthy, but our global antics have been waylaid. There has been no requisite trip to England to see Janet’s grandchildren, and for that matter I have not seen my grandson since a brief drive by during the summer.

The virus has really put a damper on our traveling. Had things gone smoothly our tan from a week in Jamaica would have already started fading. Thoughts about renting a house in Costa Rica in February went bye-bye, as well as a trip to Australia, New Zealand and Bali or perhaps Argentina were squashed, replaced with a weekly sojourn to quaff beer at the outdoor tables at Troubles End Brew Pub down the street from us. That is the one shining moment for us this year that we now finally have a great, dog-friendly place to eat and drink within walking distance of the house, but now that winter’s here that viable option is gone, even with their much-appreciated heat lamps.

We did manage to sneak out the house a few times to go on some trips this year. You can’t keep the VFH Team down for long. We drove to Tennessee, drove to Wildwood, New Jersey and flew to Austin, Texas for a long weekend.

Those were short trips to trusted places though and after Texas we negatively tested for the virus. We spent Thanksgiving by ourselves, and Christmas will also be very quiet. It sucks.

Well, this shit can’t last forever. Thanks to the current administration the vaccines are starting to be doled out. Soon, we will be out and about again, going places.  Between you and me it can’t happen soon enough.

Be safe and Merry Christmas.

2020 sucks

If you need something to feel good about you can always visit the official VFH merchandise store. Just click the link to be brought there. Also, my two novels are still for sale. Just click on either book cover near the bottom of the blog on the right.

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