Thursday, December 31, 2020


This year has been difficult and humbling. It started with such promise and now ends with a gasp of immeasurable sadness and fatigue. Between the civil strife that has convulsed our cities and this ever-evolving global COVID pandemic that has taken so many lives and a Presidential election that despite the results shows this is still a deeply divided country, this 2020 has been rough. Usually, I’m good for a fatuous crack, wry humor and snarky comments, but 2020 has deflated my pomposity and I approach you fair reader as a simple man, a grounded traveler or, dare I say it, a “homebody”.

We did well to sequester ourselves during this pandemic, for it was the only modicum of control we could exercise over this laundry list of travails that 2020 doled out. We stayed home a lot. We kept our distance from others when we went out. We even got tested. We got our flu shots. We never ventured into any store without a mask. We paid attention and respected the science even when the facts changed daily as more and more about the virus was discovered. And, even when our reserve waned as we tired of this endless slog of fearmongering and uncertainty, we played it safe. Even when the siren call of grandchildren implores us to see them, we know we can’t for now.  We’re being safe.

We never wanted to be those people who say “oops”, so we play it safe.

A long long time ago when the pandemic was still just in Wuhan, we went on a glorious trip to Costa Rica and Panama. Even then there were hints over the troubles ahead with questionnaires over our health and previous travels before we were able to board the Panorama with Variety Cruises. We had never considered Central America before and this sailing adventure along the Pacific coast of these two eco-friendly countries was shockingly wonderful. Hoping this pandemic would soon be settled, Janet and I considered a return to rent a house in Costa Rica for a couple of weeks. That was derailed.
We were hoping to take advantage of the summer season in Australia and New Zealand, but that’s been derailed.
Same too for a trip to Argentina.

All have to wait until the coast is clear, but that may not be on the horizon any time soon. According to the famous Nostradamus predictions this is only the beginning of mankind's troubles. Next year, according to him, there's going to be an asteroid strike and a zombie apocalypse among other things. That really sucks, but on the bright side I won't have to continue making my mortgage payments... and... Janet continues to perfect her baking skills! Today she's making Pain au Chocolat. 

Smoke 'em if you got 'em and Happy New Year?

Thanks for reading and hopefully all these troubles will pass and we all can get back to living and traveling again.
Love, Janet and greg. 

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