Saturday, January 2, 2021


I try to write something when the calendar finally says it’s time to add a number to the year. Sometimes the missive is a teary-eyed nostalgic look back at the past year, or it offers some jumbled ideas and advice about the future and the best way to proceed. 2021 is different, because 2020 was so ungodly awful. When the New Year struck, I ducked, I winced, I flinched, unsure if there WOULD BE a future. I didn’t want to write anything. I was scared.

Yeah, I can puff up your egos and say that at least you’ve come this far and you have survived and you made the best of what was offered, but you know fair reader this has crippled our collective soul. Our resiliency has been sorely tested, but we have not been defeated. Even if it means reporting from our basement, Vacations From Home Central will continue operations. So, be assured, as we kick the tires on this new spin around the sun we'll let you know if when it will be safe to come out again.  


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