Saturday, July 17, 2021

D.E.L.T.A. (Don’t Ever Leave The Abode) VARIATIONS

If you listen to the news this pandemic will never end. Since early 2020 we’ve been feinting and weaving around this COVID crisis. Complying with masks mandates and travel restrictions and social distancing and vaccines your favorite traveling partners have “survived” all and yet mainstream media has us remaining on “high alert!” There’s now something called the Delta Variant. Delta at this point stands for Don’t Ever Leave The Abode!
At the risk of sounding like a knucklehead conspiracy theorist…ENOUGH ALREADY. We’ve gotten vaccinated and we’ve already traveled a couple of times, once to Jamaica and the other to Virginia Beach, with nary a head cold. Maybe we are fortunate relying on dumb luck? But, we have friends who are currently traveling to Greece and next week Janet’s family is traveling in from England. It will be the first time in nearly two years they will be together. Sure, this deadly virus has killed a lot of people, but science and medicine have stepped in and helped in curtailing this global menace. We were supposed to be through the worst of it and now, DELTA!

Well, my take on this matter is we can take our vaccines and live healthy lives and enjoy our allotted time in this Garden of Eden, or we can live in fear and sit in the dark wearing masks and peeking out the blinds hoping no one will come knock on the door.
Me, I am looking forward to our English family finally coming to visit. We are renting a house for a week at the Jersey Shore.
Of course, for them to return home they’ll have to pass a barrage of tests, before they get on the plane, and once they return home there are more testing requirements
Everything though is changing weekly as restrictions are jiggered as the “variants” dictate, so who knows what the requirements will be in late August when they return. I just know that the ROI on their traveling here is well worth the “danger!”
Thanks for reading
Love Janet and greg
© 2021 by Greg Dunaj

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