Sunday, August 1, 2021


This is the year of Medicare. UGH. But, as your traveling duo ages, we are not slowing down. Our traveling, in the year since the sun was in the same position in the sky celebrating my birthday, has been a steady though cautious exploring of this world. Albeit closer to home we have still managed to visit Wildwood and Sea Isle City on the New Jersey shore, soaked up the sun in Virginia Beach, flitted off to Austin Texas to eat Barbeque, went scuba diving between rum drinks at a resort in Jamaica. We hiked in the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and along the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania. We even braved Dutch Wonderland, a children’s amusement park in Lancaster, PA with my grandson!! 
Currently the house is brimming with family from England, our first physical contact with them since 2019!  
The Experiment at
4 months

Depending on your political proclivities or sensibilities it feels like the world is opening up again and we’re ready to travel out there again. I am very fortunate that God hasn’t decided to cut bait and run with his “Greg” experiment because this new year holds such promise.
Love you all.
Thanks for reading.
© 2021 Greg Dunaj

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