Monday, March 28, 2022


Oh, fair readers of this blog, the best advice I can offer you about traveling to Tenerife is this: PACE YOURSELF.  
Happy Hour Sangrias

This largest island in the Canary Island archipelago is renowned for its throbbing revelry where the party begins in earnest before you even disembark from the plane. Our painfully cramped 3-hour Iberia Airlines flight from Madrid throbbed instead with crying children which perhaps made our happy hour later in the day that much more necessary.
The labyrinthine resort we are staying at, the Santa Barbara Golf Club and Ocean Resort, part of the Diamonds Resort International time share family, offers us ocean views and a splendid view of the bar below. A mixed blessing. 
Room with a view

After settling in our suite, we explored the resort. We got lost, got lost some more and then happened upon that bar…just in time for happy hour.
Back at home, drinks are discounted during happy hour. Here, you get two drinks for the price of one. Lots of heavy lifting!
We ordered sangria while sitting on comfy couches on the sun splashed deck, and received four drinks. Drunk by the end of it, a combination of jet lag and hunger fueling our inebriation, we received the bill. It was just 10 Euros for all four drinks. Thankfully the happy hour was just one hour. 
NOT pacing herself

Afterwards we strolled the promenade outside the grounds of the resort, where we had our choice of several touristed restaurants and had mixed Paella at the Queen Mary, a Spanish and Mexican establishment where we had more drinks.
With Janet playing with the discarded shrimp heads like finger puppets we finished our paella and sauntered back to the resort petting several dogs on the return. 
Thankfully we survived our first night, but that was easy because of the jet lag and we were too tired to do much more. We even forced ourselves to stay awake longer in order to catch up the normal routine of this time zone. 
NOT a toy
Janet went to bed first while I had one last beer purchased at the bodega on the resort and smoked a cigar as I listened to the throbbing music pulsating from the Creature Club nightclub located below us. We had already done a lot of traveling (13 hours of flights and layovers) and drinking (I lost count) and there would be plenty of time in the weeks ahead to catch up.  
Thanks for reading

Love Janet and greg

© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj


  1. Can’t wait to read more of your adventures!! Salud!!

    1. Thank you for reading! Adventures galore are in our future
