Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Long ago I traveled constantly for work and staying home was a rare luxury. I was constantly on “the go” and “life” stopped as I traipsed my way around the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia. It was an exciting and great way to make money, and to see the world, but my “life” was suspended while out there. Sadly, when I was home, I wasn’t making money and the allure of the legal tender that came with waking up early in Sydney or Sarajevo or Salt Lake City was strong, and my family life suffered even as I crisscrossed the world. Recharging the batteries was never an option.
Given the opportunity I surely would have done things differently, like win the lottery so I wouldn’t have to work so much.
Despite the mistakes of the past, the allure of the road is still strong with me and Janet. The future brims with opportunity to see more of this world, even though NOW we have to pay our traveling expenses. UGH.
Seemingly Janet and I are constantly on the move and with that observation comes the feeble idea that we don’t like lingering around our middle-class garret in this ultra-posh town of Collegeville, Pennsylvania. Though we’d rather be elsewhere, here is pretty comfortable. When we conjoined our lives, we decided to remain in the garret and use this as a home base. So, though we travel a lot we are being cheap, and we make “here” a great place to live.
We have a birdfeeder just outside our kitchen window that attracts Goldfinches, Purple Finches, Blue Birds, Cat Birds and several varieties of woodpeckers. We delight in watching the color of the Goldfinches become vibrant as spring approaches.
Every summer Janet transforms our back deck into an oasis, filling every available space with potted plants and ferns. Throw in a melodic windchime, a beautifully colorful patio umbrella, and ring the whole “extra” room with festive lighting and the world beyond is of little consequence.
We’ve extended our garden by planting Hosta and ferns, cherry tomatoes and several varieties of hot peppers. This year we have Tabasco, Cayenne, Jalapenos, Habaneros, Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers.
Carolina Reaper

Come harvest time we are busy making Pineapple/Habanero jelly and several versions of hot sauces. We stuff Jalapenos with cream cheese and wrap them in bacon. They freeze well for later use. Peppers too, but sometimes we dry them in the oven.
We have good friends who invite us to their pool a couple of times per week and we always accept the invitation. Thankfully they don’t drink so we’re not compelled to ply them with wine or beer, but Janet will bring a quinoa / blueberry salad among other food items, and if I have a bumper crop of peppers, some always find their way to our friends.
Though we don’t fear the “couch” we are not passive and there are several treks to the gym each week, or hikes in the immediate area; the Appalachian Trail passes through the area about a 45-minute drive from here; or it’s a one block hike to a brew pub called “Troubles End”. Dog friendly during the warmer times we can take our dog!
Phoenixville is a big beer destination about 5 miles from us. It rivals that craft beer mecca of Asheville, North Carolina, with 9 craft brewers and a distillery either on Bridge Street, or within a very short drive. 
That’s a stupid question. It’s a big world out there, someone has to see it.
Thanks for reading.
Love Janet and greg
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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