Saturday, July 16, 2022


Social media can help you connect with friends, but it can be debilitating for the psyche. Over the years of traveling together Janet and I had to squeeze all our holidays in the month of July. It was then that the television shows I worked on went into their summer hiatus and as a school marm, Janet’s travel was limited to the summer breaks.
We have managed to squeeze a lot of travel then in the month of July and on Facebook the memories of our adventures keep popping up. Eating our way through Cajun country in southwest Louisiana, or lounging on the sands of Hilton Head, or exploring the islands of Croatia, or getting much Aloha time in Hawaii, to name just a few of our adventures, July has brimmed with travel and FB memories keeps reminding us of all the fun we “used” to have in July.
in Dubrovnik
Now that we’re retired there are no requisite times to travel and we’re able to go when we want. This is good; we all know traveling in the off-peak seasons is cheaper, but as we sit here in Collegeville, waiting for the next planned trip I open my FB page to countless memories of where we were in the past.
To this I say “ugh”, and this in a year we've already traveled to Tenerife in April and Grenada in May, with much more in the very near future.
As I peruse past promontories and ponder our peregrination progress both planned and prospective, I apparently profess a persistent pining to propel pell-mell, panting, perspiring profusely, to our next point or purpose.
To this I say, "Fuggedaboutit."
in Breaux Bridge, LA

It’s going to get busy around here soon. The British Invasion 2022 of the family starts any day now and soon and there will be a month-long tumult of activity here at our middle-class garret in stately Collegeville Pennsylvania, 10 miles west of Valley Forge. Included in this will be a trip to Breckinridge, Colorado to see MORE family members. Talk about promontories at 9,600 feet in elevation! It will be an effort to catch our breath! So, it’s best to sit here and look at all the pretty pictures where we’ve been before the cacophony erupts.... besides some people just like to complain.
at Kalapana, Big Island

Thanks for reading
Love Janet and greg
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj 

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