Friday, July 29, 2022


This morning I have heard it’s an urban myth that you get drunker while at higher altitudes. One drink in Denver is like having two at sea level says the myth. We are in Denver visiting family and the “Mile High City” is at 5,279 feet. I had three beers last night and I got drunk. Strong beers yes, but I also ate a lot of BBQ. It may be a myth, but I am the living proof that the combination of alcohol and altitude will get you drunker and quicker.
I know I’m a lightweight, but this was ridiculous. 
It turns out that at higher altitudes alcohol doesn’t affect the body any differently than at sea level but breathing less oxygen at higher altitudes does affect a person, especially if they haven’t acclimated to the elevation.
It really is about oxygen. At higher altitudes and thinner air, it’s easy to feel tipsy before you start to drink. So, my three beers affected me normally, but as I had not yet fully acclimated to the altitude, I was a goner. The rule is to pace yourself and make every other drink water!
Thanks for reading and no drinking and mountain climbing!
Love Janet and greg
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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