Monday, August 1, 2022


Another spin around the sun and another year of travels in the book.
Birthday greetings from 9,600 feet in elevation. We are currently in Breckenridge, Colorado a very popular ski town for backcountry and resort skiing, that is as popular during the summer despite the lack of snow. The resort and the town are crawling with tourists. We are here with our extended family from England and Denver.
The weather is much cooler here than in Denver with just a high of about 70 degrees and there is still snow on some of the very peaks of the mountains here. They are the Tenmile Range and part of the Rocky Mountains.
I am fortunate to visit yet another place on this vast beautiful world. It is a great place to celebrate my birthday. 
I am fortunate to have such love in my life.
Thanks for reading and following our blog.
Love Janet and greg
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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