Monday, December 26, 2022


It’s been quite a number of years for this humble scribe since the last time the bedroom door has been slammed open on a Christmas morning with wide-eyed desperate kids wanting to claw at the presents left beneath the fir. Cautioned by Mom-Mom that she had to have her coffee first before any such melee could begin, we were awakened by the grandchildren at 6:30 a.m. Thankfully for their sanity and ours the coffee pot was set on a timer and was already brewing the elixir of the gods.
We are ready for Santa

My days of fawning over my own children shredding the wrapping paper on Christmas morning has long since passed, but this day, despite the early early early hour, was glorious. Indeed, it was wonderfully chaotic with the grandchildren giving the bum rush on their bounty, yet still pausing enough to tenderly give us gifts they picked out for us at school, before again diving headlong into the fray.
Somewhere between having a squishy ball tossed past my ear and their other grandparents, who live a few blocks away in Nantwich, arriving with more gifts, the coffee finally started to take effect!
Going to the pubs is an important English pastime and social gatherings are often centered around these hallowed institutions. There are plenty of pubs to choose from in the small town of Nantwich, but we planned our Christmas afternoon to spend a few hours at The Rifleman, once a favored destination for grandfather, but this tied-house for Robinson’s Brewery had fallen out of favor with him because of a myriad of reasons. It was in favor today because it was open from 12 noon to 4:30 pm and we got the okay from the spouses to have a pint or three.
The Rifleman Pub, Nantwich

Sadly, after many hellos to lots of friends gathered at “The Gun”, where I was introduced to everyone as "the American", and a pint of Unicorn bitter, perhaps Robinson’s best beer, they ran out and we were forced to quaff Guinness. (All right by me….don’t tell the English Grandad!)
Later back at the house, it was Tea time, a meat medley of a beef roast and turkey and lamb with countless sides including pickled onions and parsnips and Yorkshire pudding. There were plenty of bottles of wine uncorked and later scotches and a diverse and expansive cheese board and we wiled away the rest of this beautiful intimate Christmas story chatting and dodging nerf gun darts launched by the boys.
I hope your Christmas was at least half as good as ours.
Love to all... you know who you are,
Thanks for reading.
Live Love Travel.
© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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