Wednesday, December 14, 2022


We are spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Nantwich, England. This picturesque town in Chesire has become our second home as we have visited it several times, ever since Janet’s daughter married a boy from there and started her own family.
Sadly, my family is scattered and never able (or willing) to get together for the holiday, but over the passing years the melancholy has dissipated and has given way to a triumphant joy as I have embraced this new direction of my life. I look forward to seeing again all the “Dabbers”, as the citizens of Nantwich are called, that I have come to know over the years and, of course, the grandchildren.
Familiar are her streets and alleyways, her pubs, coffeeshops and smiles, her tidy homes fronted by prim and proper gardens and the leaning timbers of old Tudor edifices, and her magnificent cathedral that chimes out the day’s passing. There is so much to love here. 
Nantwich is our second home.
Thanks for reading!
Live love and travel, and Merry Christmas
Janet and greg

© 2022 by Gregory Dunaj

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