Friday, August 25, 2023


Nantwich doorway

At its genesis this blog is all about traveling while at home. It began when our pockets were of meager funds, but our hearts still brimmed with the need to explore. Back in those early times our destinations were in our proverbial backyard. There were plenty of day trips, camping trips and couch surfing visits to friend’s houses, and a lot of hiking.
As we slowly recovered from our financial nadir, our sights again were set on destinations further afield and if you are one of our sainted readers who have followed us from the beginning you know we have traveled to places like Belgium, Croatia, the Canary Islands, Hawaii, Fiji, Costa Rica and Panama and quite a few Caribbean Islands.
These destinations are just a small listing of our travels, and as long as the meter’s running, we will continue to travel as much as possible in this vast beautiful Garden of Eden, and we will continue to write about our adventures here at Vacations From Home.
“HOME” though is an integral part of our thinking and a lot of our travels have included family.

Nantwich with
 St. Mary's Church in background
My daughter has lived in New Orleans and D.C. and Nashville, and each time she settled in her new city we made a point of visiting her.
We both have family in Colorado, and we have traveled to the Centennial State to see them. We have also traveled to Florida’s Marco Island as part of a massive family adventure one summer equinox and returned to Marco Island a few years later to tie the knot with my trophy wife.
A couple of years ago at the New Jersey beach town of Sea Isle City we crammed 17 family members into a weekly rental. The house was so big that no one had to sleep in their car.
Janet has one daughter living in Austin, Texas and that has garnered several trips to the Lone Star State for us, both together and alone.
But it is here in Nantwich, Chesire in England that has become our most frequently traveled family destination.
Her other daughter married a young man from this picturesque little town and has started a family. We followed them to Liverpool when they lived there, then Newton and now Nantwich, staying with them each time. We have spent time in Nantwich during the summer and over the Christmas holidays. We’ve been here so often that we have become friends with several other people from town. The in-laws are great people as well, even if I can’t keep up with the father-in-law when we go out for pints. 
The way to the Dabber's Sweet Shop
Over the years we’ve used Nantwich as a jumping off point for travel to UK destinations like Edinburgh, Scotland, Llandudno, Wales, Lancaster and Lake Windermere and the walled cities of York and Chester. Nantwich has also been the staging point for trips to Europe. Earlier this year we flew from Manchester, which is the nearest airport to Nantwich, to Budapest. Next week we are traveling to Seville, Spain after our latest two-week visit to Nantwich.
Our days are filled with leisurely walks into the town center or to the Barony, a large park, often with the boys on scooters or bikes to get there. Some days we time them as they race around the block on their bikes. 
Trips to the sweet shop and coffees and hot chocolates and pub crawls with the adults fill out the days.
Janet often says I would be bored coming to Nantwich as it is really all about family, but that’s the whole point of being here. On the oft chance I’m “bored” I go out for a stroll. I really enjoy walking around town on my own and have been known to disappear for the afternoon in my meandering, a latter-day Ulysses.
There’s lots to see and plenty of pubs to visit to quench my thirst.
I can't keep up with the in-law

I’ve lingered over beers at the Crown just to watch the people and their dogs sitting patiently. I’ve paused to listen to the campanologists practicing their craft at St. Mary’s Church after watching them ascend one of the church towers through a weathered wooden door to reach the bells. And, every chance I get I accompany the father-in-law on one of his delivery trips through the countryside delivering goods as part of the retiree’s part time work. It could be cloudy and rainy, but it will be a glorious day for it is wonderful to see more of this world, even if it technically is our second home.
Thanks for reading,
Love Janet and greg
© 2023 by Gregory Dunaj

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